The purpose of a skimmer
Skimmers are used to catch mechanical debris from the pool water surface.

What is the difference between a skimmer, filtration, and a pool vacuum cleaner
The skimmer catches mechanical debris from the pool water surface (twigs, leaves). The filtration pumps water more from the bottom, thus filtering (removing mechanical impurities) the entire volume of pool water. The vacuum cleaner is used to clean the pool bottom and even walls (depending on the type of the vacuum cleaner).
Mounting the skimmer to the pool
The INTEX Deluxe Skimmer can be attached to any INTEX pool. The skimmer is sold with the parts listed below in the drawing except for part 13.

- For INTEX EASY SET pools, you will use parts 8 and 9, which are to be attached to part 7; then the skimmer should be suspended over the edge of the pool.

- For INTEX metal frame pools, attach part 10 to part 7, and then suspend the skimmer over the edge of the pool.

- For INTEX Graphite pools, you need to purchase part 13 (also labelled as No. 11153), which is to be mounted on part 7 and suspended over the edge of the pool.

Is it enough to suspend the skimmer over the pool edge?
No, it is not. It needs to be connected to a filter pump with flow rate of at least 3785 L/h.
What hose do I need?
The skimmer package includes a hose attachable to pools with both 32 mm and 38 mm hose ports. That means it can be connected to all INTEX pools and no hose adapter is needed.
Will the skimmer reduce the flow rate?
Any piece of equipment added to the system presents an increased load on the system. The purpose of the skimmer is that it only pulls impurities from the pool water surface. If you need to filter the entire volume of pool water, we recommend disconnecting the skimmer so that more water goes into the filtration from below and the entire volume of pool water is filtered.
The Deluxe skimmer pack includes hose adapter 11238A which can be screwed onto both 32 mm and 38 mm pool hose ports. Screw the adapter 11238A onto the inlet port, from which the water flows through the skimmer into the filtration.
For INTEX pools with hoses with inner diameter of 32 mm, unscrew the strainer on the inlet port (orange arrow) and screw the hose adapter 11238A onto the port (green arrow).
For INTEX pools with hoses with inner diameter of 38 mm, unscrew the strainer on the inlet port (orange arrow) and screw the hose adapter 11238A onto the port (green arrow) instead of the strainer.